I have a carnival theme in my classroom this year. I purchased plastic ducks from Oriental Trading and taped a vowel pattern to the bottom of each duck. You could use this game to practice word families too. One student comes up front to select a duck and the class says the following rhyme...
__________ went out one day, picked up a duck and what did it say?
(child's name)
I just placed all of my ducks on a blue lid to a container. The student holding the duck reads the chunk on the bottom of the duck and we write the word in the pond. Each student has a copy of the sheet, I put the sheet inside a plastic sleeve. We use our dry erase markers and erase after each vowel pattern. I tell them the words we will practice spelling for the vowel pattern that is chosen. Here is a n example of the spelling pattern ay.

Here is a copy of the sheet I use. I would love to hear any other ideas on how to use this game to practice different skills.
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