Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Good Night Owl Acting Out

After we read Good Night Owl a few times I assigned the kids to be one of the animals and make the noise in the story.  I gave them a printout of the animal they were and they colored it in the correct color.  I had them tape the animal to a popsicle stick and wrote the sound on the stick.  We invited the other k classes over and acted out the story.  I hung a big tree made out of paper from my whiteboard and had the student that was the owl sitting on the carpet already.  Then as each animal is mentioned in the book a student walked over to the carpet, help up their animal on a stick and made the sound two times.  Then they sat quietly on the carpet under the tree.  In the end of the story we turned off the lights, when the words in the book say darkness fell.  All of the animlas made their sound one last time at the very end when it mentions that they all wake up.  They really enjoyed putting it on for the other classes and it was easy prep!



Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March Display

For our March display I assigned each student a vowel pattern and they came up with 6 words that contain that vowel pattern.  We watched this vowel patterns video during calendar this month so it was easy for my kids to come up with their words.  You could also do this with different word families and write a different word family on each cloud.  This could even be used to show math facts that equal the number written on the cloud.  I would love to hear about the creative way you displayed student work.


3 D Shapes CC.K.G.1

To introduce my students to 3-D shapes I like to use the you tube song These are the 3 D Shapes That I Know.  This gives examples of shapes in their environment and begins to teach them the vocabulary words for these shapes.  Then we work as a class to complete the sheet.  I play a video for the specific shape we are on and we look at the pictures of things shaped like that.  Then I call on three different students to pick an object we should draw on our own paper.  This activity usuall takes two 25 minute sessions to complete.  If you click on the document you will get a print out of the two sheets I use, one for each day.  This is the video for the cube, once you play it you will see the links for all the other shapes. 

During the week we also sort pictures of 2 and 3-D shapes, make shapes out of clay and popsicle sticks, and play a guessing bag game of 2 and 3-D shapes.  I would love to hear how you teach shapes in your classroom.



Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Caps For Sale Acting Out

There have been several stories this year that we have enjoyed acting out as a class after reading a few times. In the story Caps For Sale we had one student take on the role of the peddler and the rest of the kids were the monkeys. I used a large plastic container that had pretzel rods in it at one time for the peddler's hat and a paper plate for the face. The rest of the students cut out the monkey face and we taped a big Popsicle stick to the back. They were assigned a color cap and glued it to their monkey mask. Each child also had a cut out hat piece that they threw down. This was very easy to create and students really enjoyed it!

       Click on the picture of the monkeys to find the printable template for the monkey mask.  I would love to hear about the stories your kids enjoy acting out!