
folder posters

Monday Letter Swap
Each student has their whiteboard out and we start by writing a three letter word. Students write the word large enough to take up the entire whiteboard. Then I pick a new word that is very similar to the one we previously had the board. Only one letter needs to be changed out to make the new word. For example if the word was hot. I might say the new word is pot. Erase one letter on your board to change hot to pot. I call on one student to come up and point to the new letter on the classroom alphabet. The kids sing "letter swap, swap a letter to make a word" while the student finds and points to the new letter we need to make the word. Then I pick a new word changing only one letter again. Pot becomes pat, pat to pad, pad to sad and so on.
Tuesday Basketball Plinko

Wednesday Slide Show
All of the chunks are put into a slide show and projected one slide at a time. Each week a new letter is picked to put in front of each chunk. I click through the slides having a student read the word. We decide if it is a real or nonsense word. If the word is real we write it on our recording sheet and draw a picture to represent it. If it is a nonsense word we go on to the next slide. Click on the cvc words game picture to purchase this game for $1.00.
Thursday Spin the Wheel

Each student is given a vest to wear. To start the game three students are called to the front to make a word. I have each student wearing a letter say their sound loudly and then as a class we repeat the sounds and blend the word. Every child sits at their desk and has a whiteboard, they all write the word down. One child is asked to sit down and a new one comes up in their place. For example if 3 students are standing up front wearing b-u-g. To make the new word I would sing: (Tune: Alice the Camel)
Letter Uu can sit down, Letter Aa can come up, letter Aa can come up,
So we can make a word boom, boom, boom
Students erase the u and change it to an a on their whiteboards. Then the 3 students standing up front say their sound and the class blends the new word.
Letter Uu can sit down, Letter Aa can come up, letter Aa can come up,
So we can make a word boom, boom, boom
Students erase the u and change it to an a on their whiteboards. Then the 3 students standing up front say their sound and the class blends the new word.
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