
Friday, August 7, 2015

Numbers 1-10

It always amazes me how little concrete knowledge most of my kiddos have about number sense.  They might have the number three memorized because of the way it looks but they have no idea what three means.  I like to show my kids lots of examples of how a number can be represented. You never know what might click for some students and what works for others, so I like to use many examples.  I created this song to help kids have a better sense of what each number represents.  I have also made posters that hang in my classroom and I refer back to as the year goes on.  In addition I have other sheets I like to use for kids to see numbers in many ways.  Check out the song and resources below to help get your kids to have a clear meaning of the numbers 1-10.           

Number Posters

Numbers 1-10       All the Ways to Show a Number 0-10          Showing Numbers 2-10 in Multiple Ways

Number Practice



Rule Breaker Sight Words

My students are pretty good at learning basic sight words but those tricky one that break all the rules can cause them problems!  I made this song to help them remember some of the ones they can not sound out and just have to memorize. I encourage them to yell out the word when they recognize it while the song is playing.  I also made this packet of worksheets so they can get extra practice with each word.

